This Slade Surname yDNA Project provides an opportunity to identify which Slade branch you belong to and/or to confirm suppositions you may have already found using conventional genealogical research methods. One goal of this project is to link together branches of the family that cannot be linked otherwise due to lack of documented records. Another goal is to identify and confirm the true ancestral origin of the Slade surname.
This project tests the Y-chromosome which is passed down from father to son, following the paternal line, so only males can be tested. However, females can also participate in the project by encouraging brothers, fathers, uncles and male cousins to become DNA donors to the project. They can also help by providing Slade family information that they might have and by contributing financially to help fund a family donor. Please contact us for more information.
The Y-DNA test is the most accurate, dependable and provides the most meaningful results for surname study than any of the other type DNA tests. In order to participate in this project, your test must be a Y-chromosome DNA type test with 37 or more markers tested. Family Finder, Ancestry, 23&me and other autosomaltype tests DO NOT provide the information needed for this project.
This Project is a totally volunteer, non-profit endeavor. There is no charge for joining the Slade Surname DNA Project, however, each member must provide their own Y-DNA test. Considering the amount of time and expense that most genealogists have devoted to their research, using DNA to confirm distant relationships is an economic tool.
People are often concerned that DNA tests could be medically informative and will identify individuals. Please be assured that these test will not. In fact, only the Y-chromosome is tested, which has no medical value, and the tests are not discriminating such as are the standard ‘forensic’ type profile tests used by law enforcement authorities.
When reporting DNA test results, kit numbers are used rather than names in order to maintain anonymity. Each participants identity is known only to the Project Administrator and will not be given to anyone else without your specific authorization. If a match is found for your DNA and the other person wishes to contact you, you will be notified by the Project Administrator and you will have the option whether to contact them directly or not.
We have chosen FamilyTreeDNA of Houston to handle testing for this project. They offer a substantial discount when testing is ordered through the Slade Surname DNA Project. We recommend testing at least 37 markers in order to return most meaningful results. To insure that you receive the maximum discount and to view pricing, please order using the following URL:
For participants in England & Europe, The Guild of One Name Studies in London makes yDNA37 kits available at a considerable savings, even less than direct from the Laboratory. The only requirement is that the test is for a one name study. You may learn more at:;
Please Note: We are not in any way affiliated with this laboratory, nor do we receive anything of value from them.
If you like to know more about the Slade Surname DNA Project, want to join, or have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Rebecca Slade Teague
Project Administrator
Slade Surname yDNA Project